Clinical PSychology
Clinical Psychology
Clinical Psychologists have expertise in all aspects of psychological functioning, including cognitive, emotional, behavioural, spiritual and intellectual dimensions. Psychologists assess, advise and assist people to improve their life adjustment and functioning.
Clinical Psychologists apply their expertise to a broad range of issues and clients. Their clients include individuals, families, organisations, and communities.
People consult Clinical Psychologists for many reasons, including, but not limited to:
Anxiety, fears, phobias and panic attacks
Becoming more confident as parents or teachers
Career planning, training and staff development
Children’s learning, behaviour and management problems
Depression and stress
Grief and loss
Eating and weight control problems
Health issues such as migraines and chronic pain
Marital, family and relationship problems
Personal growth
Sexual difficulties
Sleeping difficulties
Personal growth and enhancing marital and family relationships
Sports performance and improvement
Stress and coping skills